Two Awesome Food Gifts: Rancho Gordo Beans & Tcho Chocolates
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I just turned 30. I was having a hard time with it until several of my friends and family members showered me with some fantastic gifts. Gosh, I sound so shallow, but take a look above and below. Are these not fantastic gifts?
Many of you have heard of Rancho Gordo. Several years ago at the SF Ferry building, I purchased a few bags of RG alubia criollos, a small white bean which turned out to be heavenly in this salad. I had all but forgotten about these buttery, creamy, heirloom beans until a dear friend’s father and I started exchanging emails about — wait for it — beans! The next thing I knew I was staring into a care package spilling with all things RG — beans, postcards, a cookbook, and a brown paper bag stamped with the RG logo… adorable. I’ve never been so excited to see so many bean-related goods. I’ll report back soon on the yumminess RG has brought to my life.
On to the chocolates. Have you all heard of Gilt Taste? If you haven’t, prepare to spend a considerable amount of time ooing and ahhing over their offerings. Seriously, like don’t visit the site if you have anything pressing on your schedule. I want one of everything. And I want to send everyone I know one of everything. This could be dangerous come December.
I had not heard of Gilt Taste until I received this 30-day supply of Tcho chocolates. Not only is the Tcho packaging beautifully designed and fun to inspect — it is adorned with entertaining phrases such as, “Take as needed for inspiration, happy heart, coping, focus, optimism and even euphoria,” — but the chocolates are some of the best I’ve ever tasted. What more would anyone want on their 30th birthday? Besides an RG care package?
Nothing at all. Thank you dear friends for my gifts! And one last thing: I have started pinning my favorite food-related gifts on Pinterest, also a new phenomenon for me and one that I am really enjoying. See that red “P” icon in the upper right-hand corner of my blog? That’s where you will always be able to find this food-gift pinboard. It’s obviously not very complete at the moment, but I’m hoping to have a nice collection of ideas before the holidays.
Rancho Gordo
Gilt Taste
Tcho Chocolates
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3 Comments on “Two Awesome Food Gifts: Rancho Gordo Beans & Tcho Chocolates”
Happy belated birthday Alexandra. I can’t recall seeing these beans at the Ferry Building but then again I did a whirlwind tour so probably miussed a lot of great stuff!!!!
Hi! You’ve got a really nice blog. I’m glad to discovered it.
Greetings from Chile.
Hi Ali! Hope you guys are doing well these days!! I saw your tcho post and just had to comment! We were in SF last week and did a tour of the TCHO factory. We came home with a can of their drinking chocolate, absolutely heavenly. 🙂 if you get a chance or see it, I would highly recommend!