Easy Sourdough Bread (Whole Wheat-ish)
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This is my favorite sourdough bread: It’s high hydration, whole wheat(ish), and just so darn tasty. As far as sourdough recipes go, this is about as simple as it gets. Below, you’ll find video guidance for every step of the process. Let’s do this! 🍞🍞🍞🍞
Sourdough is often described as a journey. The more I make it, the more this sentiment becomes a truth. For the past few years, I’ve been tinkering with various sourdough recipes, and though I can’t say I won’t stop tinkering, this is the current snapshot of my sourdough journey.
These are the characteristics I like in a sourdough boule:
- high hydration (at least 75%)
- whole wheat-ish
- crusty but not super crusty
- nicely salted
- tangy though not super sour
I’ve outlined the process below to create this type of loaf, which as far as sourdough recipes go, is on the simple side — there’s no kneading, no autolyse-ing, no pre-fermenting, no levain-ing, no fancy scoring.
It’s a little bit smaller than most sourdough boules, too, reasons for which I explain below. And as with all sourdough baking (and bread baking in general), it does take time, though the time is mostly hands off.
This post is organized as follows:
- Two Sourdough Fermentation FAQs
- Two Tips for Assessing Fermentation
- Whole Wheat Flour
- Roller-Milled vs. Stone-Milled Flour
- 75% Hydration
- Mixing Sourdough Bread
- Bulk Fermentation
- Shaping + Bench Rest
- Proofing Sourdough
- Scoring and Baking Sourdough
- The Best Way to Store Bread
2 Sourdough Fermentation FAQs
Two of the most frequently asked questions I receive about sourdough bread baking are:
- How do I know when the dough has risen sufficiently and is therefore ready to be shaped?
- How do I know if it has proofed sufficiently and is therefore ready to be baked?
If you are unfamiliar with sourdough baking, these two questions relate to two distinct phases of fermentation:
- The first question relates to the bulk fermentation (the first rise), which takes place after the dough is mixed.
- The second question relates to proofing (the second rise), after the dough is shaped.
One thing I have learned through troubleshooting with various people is that it’s very hard to put a timeline on these two phases. Sourdough is much more sensitive than yeast-leavened breads to the environment in which it is being baked.
The bulk fermentation for me in my cold Upstate New York kitchen often takes 12 hours regardless of the time of year. For someone baking in humid Hawaii, it may take 6 hours (or less! or more!). Similarly, the proofing phase may vary by many hours depending on the environment. Additionally, there are countless variables that affect fermentation: type of flour, water, salt quantity, strength of the starter, to name a few.
Yes, there are textural/visual cues to help discern when each phase of fermentation is complete, but it still can be hard to judge.
If you struggle with these assessments, I have two tips for you:
2 Tips for Assessing Sourdough Fermentation
Tip #1: Buy a clear, straight-sided vessel.
After my digital scale, my clear, straight-sided 4-qt Cambro (**this one is BPA-free!**) has become my most important tool when it comes to sourdough bread baking. Why? For two reasons:
- Because it’s clear, it allows me to see when the dough is filled with bubbles and activity throughout — top, bottom, sides, etc.
- Because it’s straight sided, I know exactly when the dough has risen sufficiently (roughly 50% increase in volume) and is therefore ready to be shaped. When dough rises in a bowl, it’s very hard to gauge how much the dough has grown.
If I could single out the biggest lesson I’ve learned in my sourdough baking journey, it’s this: Do not allow sourdough rise beyond double during the bulk fermentation.
Why? When sourdoughs rise for too long, the dough weakens. A weak, fragile dough is hard to handle and difficult to shape into a tight round, which in turn makes for a dense loaf. Most recently I shoot to shape the dough when it has increased by 50% in volume.
Tip #2. Use Your Refrigerator & Be Flexible
Because judging bulk fermentation and proofing can be tricky, you can use your refrigerator during both phases.
Using your fridge for the bulk fermentation:
If, for instance, you see your dough rising nicely but all of a sudden it’s 10 pm and you’re ready for bed, and you know if you let the dough continue to rise, it will be way beyond double in the morning, stick the vessel in the fridge. The following morning, take it out and let the dough rise at room temperature until it has nearly doubled or, as I advise more and more, increased by 50% in volume.
With sourdough baking, you have to be patient, and you have to be flexible with the timing.
Using your fridge for proofing:
Using my fridge for the proofing phase has been the biggest change in my sourdough process of late. Previously, after shaping the boule and placing it in a towel-lined bowl, I would transfer the dough to the fridge for 1 hour, then bake it. These days, I like to stick the shaped boule in the fridge for at least 12 hours, but ideally 18-24 hours. Why?
- The extended cold proof creates a lighter, airier crumb.
- A cold round of dough is so much easier to handle from scoring it to transferring it to the Dutch oven.
Whole Wheat Flour FAQ
In my email course, Foolproof Bread Baking, I receive a lot of questions about how to incorporate more whole grain flours into bread.
This is a tricky one to answer for me for two reasons:
- I like white bread. A good loaf of bread for me has so much to do with texture. I love a pillowy, oily focaccia; a soft, squishy brioche bun; a ballooned, crisp-tender Neapolitan pizza. As soon as whole grain flour is entered into the mix, the texture changes, becoming heavier, denser.
- Commercial whole wheat flour isn’t necessarily healthier than commercial white flour. Wait, what? Read on.
Roller-milled Flour vs. Stone-milled Flour
Without getting too far into the weeds, most of the commercial flour on the market is made from wheat that has been roller milled, meaning a roller mill has separated the wheat kernel into three parts: the endosperm, germ, and bran. White flour is made from the endosperm.
Whole wheat flour, similarly, is made from rolled-milled wheat: again, first the kernel is separated into three parts: the endosperm, germ, and bran; BUT then the germ and the bran are added back in various proportions. Much research shows that as soon as the wheat kernel is separated into the various parts, much of the nutritional value is lost — even when the bran and germ are added in after the fact.
So what’s the solution?
Stone-Milled Flour
Stone-milled flour, contrary to roller-milled flour, is flour made from wheat that passes through a stone mill, the process of which keeps the endosperm, bran, and germ together. Much research shows that keeping the components together preserves the nutritional value.
The rub with stone-milled flour? Stone-milled flour is more perishable due to the presence of both the bran and the germ, but the germ in particular, which is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fats, which can go rancid quickly.
The boon? Because the bran and germ are present in the flour, it’s also more flavorful.
Anything else to consider? Baking with stone-milled flours requires a little more finesse. Even a small amount of bran and germ in the mix makes for a denser loaf. Many millers offer high-extraction stone-milled flours — meaning stone-milled flours that have been sifted to remove some of the bran and endosperm. But even when you bake with high-extraction, stone-milled flour, the finished loaf, when made from 100% of this type of flour, will be very dense.
For this reason, I use at the most 25% stone-milled flour (100 g for this recipe), but preferably in terms of texture, 12.5% stone-milled flour (50 g for this recipe). 12.5% may seem like a tiny amount, but I am constantly surprised by how much flavor, texture, and color this small proportion of stone-milled flour offers to a loaf of bread.
In fact, I now prefer a partially whole wheat loaf to an all white loaf. The freshly milled, stone-milled flours offer so much flavor.
Where to Buy Stone-Milled Flour?
In the past few years, it has become easier to find stone-milled flour, and if you are up for it, you should seek out locally, stone-milled flour. Why? Because if you’re buying locally milled flour, you likely can find out how recently it was milled. Because stone-milled flour perishes more quickly than roller-milled flour, it’s best if you can find a local source, which will ensure it will be fresh. Note: Store stone-milled flour in the freezer if you don’t bake regularly.
Final note: I no longer buy commercial whole wheat flours. I buy commercial white flours: King Arthur Flour’s all-purpose flour and bread flour are staples. I find locally milled stone-milled flours at a local co-op, Honest Weight Food Co-op, and I also order online from various sources. Here are a few I love:
Finally: Here’s a great resource if you’re interested in learning more about wheat and flour: The Bread Lab. Also, Dan Barber’s The Third Plate was eye opening.
75% Hydration
Standard sourdough recipes often call for 500g of flour per loaf. As noted above, the recipe below makes a loaf that’s a little bit smaller for two reasons:
- I’m often asked if the bread recipes here on the blog as well as in my book can be halved. The answer is yes, but in an effort to make a loaf that may not feel quite so overwhelming for people, I’ve reduced the flour to 400g.
- I wanted to include quantities that make hydration easier to understand. Hydration is something I don’t discuss too often because I find it can turn people off (me included). In short, hydration is: the ratio of water relative to flour in a bread dough. The proportions in this recipe — 300g water and 400g flour — make it a little easier to see it’s a 75% hydration dough: 300/400=0.75.* With this baseline, you can increase the amount of water to make it higher hydration or decrease the amount of water to make it lower hydration depending on your preference.
*Note: This is a crude calculation. If you want to be super accurate when calculating hydration, you include the weight of the starter in the equation, too, which will throw off the percentage slightly.
I love salt. The standard percentage of salt in a bread recipe is 2% by weight of the flour. For 400g flour, this means 8g salt. I use 10g. The amount of salt, fortunately, is a variable that can easily be tailored to your liking. If 10g of salt is too much for you or if you know from the start you are sensitive to salt, start with 8g, then adjust accordingly. Also, higher amounts of salt will slow down the rise a bit as well.
5 Phases: Simple Sourdough Bread
This videos and photos below shows how to make from start to finish the high-hydration, whole wheat(-ish) sourdough bread recipe included at the end of the post.
Phase 1: Mix the Dough
Step 1: Gather your ingredients — flour, salt, water, a sourdough starter — and equipment, namely a digital scale. I recommend buying a starter (reasons for which I explain here). But if you’re up for it, you can make a sourdough starter from scratch in just about a week. I only recommend doing so if it currently is summer (or a very warm fall) where you are.
Most important, you need a fed, active starter.
To ensure it is ready, drop a spoonful of it in a glass of water. If it floats, it’s ready:
Start by weighing 300g water, 100g starter, and 10g salt.
You’ll need 400g flour. You can use all bread flour of a mix of bread flour and whole wheat flour. My preferences is 350g bread flour (King Arthur Flour) and 50g stone-milled, freshly milled flour (I use a mix of Anson Mills rye and graham).
Mix to form a sticky dough ball.
Then transfer to a straight-sided vessel for the bulk fermentation (the first rise).
Phase 2: Bulk Fermentation
After 30 minutes, stretch and fold the dough:
You’ll repeat this stretching and folding 3x at 30-minute intervals; then you’ll leave the dough to rise until it increases in volume by 50-75%.
Phase 3: Shape + Bench Rest
Transfer dough to a clean work surface. I prefer to use no flour and minimal handling to shape it into a ball.
After the initial shape, let the dough rest for 20-40 minutes; then shape again and transfer to a flour sack-lined bowl.
Phase 4: Proof
Transfer bowl to fridge to proof (second rise) for 18 to 24 hours
Phase 5: Score + Bake
After 18 to 24 hours, transfer dough to a sheet of parchment paper. This video shows how:
Score as you wish; simple is fine.
Transfer to a Dutch oven and bake at 450ºF covered for 30 minutes, then uncovered for 10 minutes at 400ºF.
The Best Way to Store Bread
How do I store bread? is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive.
If you want to store the bread at room temperature for 3 to 4 days, I think the best method is in a ziplock bag. I’ve tried other reusable/environmentally friendly options, but nothing seems to keep bread freshest — the crumb the softest — better than a ziplock bag.
If you intend to keep the bread for longer, I would stick the ziplock bag in the freezer, and pull out slices or hunks as you wish. I often slice bread as soon as it cools completely, transfer the slices to a ziplock bag, then freeze. This way, I know the bread was frozen at its freshest.
A ziplock bag will not prevent the crust of bread from turning soft, which is why I suggest always reheating day-old bread. I use a toaster at breakfast for slices of bread, and I reheat half or quarter loaves in the oven at 350ºF for 15 to 20 minutes when serving for dinner.
Bread revives so beautifully in the oven or toaster.
I baked this loaf in a tall-sided pullman loaf. Love the shape! I proofed this in the fridge for about 12 hours; then let rise at room temperature for roughly 5-6 hours before baking at 400ºF for about 40 minutes.
Easy Sourdough Bread (Whole Wheat-ish)
- Total Time: 48 hours 45 minutes
- Yield: 1 loaf
Special equipment: Straight-sided vessel for the bulk fermentation, Dutch oven, flour-sack towel
Here’s my list of essentials for sourdough bread baking.
Digital Scale: Do not attempt this recipe without a scale. This one costs $9. Troubleshooting what goes wrong with sourdough bread is impossible if you’ve measured with cups. They’re simply not accurate.
Troubleshooting: If you have issues with your dough being too sticky, please read this post: Why is my sourdough so sticky? The 4 common mistakes.
- I prefer making this bread with 350g bread flour and 50g of freshly milled, stone-milled flour, which provides both flavor and color. (Read the post above for more details and why I suggest stone-milled flour as opposed to commercial whole wheat flour.) I’ve been using a mix of Anson Mills graham flour and rye flour, but there are many great stone-milled flours out there, and you may have a local source, which is even better.
- 50g may seem like a tiny amount of stone-milled flour for this recipe, but I am constantly amazed by how much flavor this small amount of freshly milled flour adds. If you are new to sourdough baking, I recommend starting with 100% bread flour (King Arthur Flour is my preference) because it’s so forgiving and easy to work with. Once you get the hang of it, start incorporating stone-milled flour a little bit at a time. I don’t like using more than 100g (25%) of stone-milled flour in this recipe.
- If you cannot find bread flour — I know supplies are limited at the moment — you can use all-purpose flour. If you live in a humid climate, consider reducing the water by 20 g. You can add the 20 g of water in slowly while you mix until the dough resembles that in the video/photos.
I like breads to be a little bit saltier than standard. If you are sensitive to salt, start with 8g. Next time, adjust salt as you wish.
*Please read notes above before proceeding. Watching the video is helpful, too.*
- 400 g bread flour, see notes above
- 8g to 10g kosher salt or sea salt, see notes above
- 300 g water
- 100 g active sourdough starter
- rice flour, for dusting
- Mix the dough. In a large bowl, combine the water, starter, and salt. Stir with a rubber spatula to loosely combine. Add the flour, and stir with a spatula to combine — it will be a wet, sticky dough ball. Transfer to a straight-sided vessel and cover with a tea towel or bowl cover for 30 minutes.
- Stretch and fold. After 30 minutes, grab a corner of the dough and pull it up and into the center. Repeat until you’ve performed this series of folds 4 to 5 times with the dough. Let dough rest for another 30 minutes and repeat the stretching and folding action. If you have the time: do this twice more for a total of 4 times in 2 hours. [Video guidance here.] Note: Even if you can only perform one series of stretches and folds, your dough will benefit. So don’t worry if you have to run off shortly after you mix the dough.
- Bulk fermentation: Cover the vessel with a tea towel or bowl cover and let rise at room temperature (70ºF/21ºC) for 4 to 18 hours (times will vary based on the time of year, the humidity, and the temperature of your kitchen). The bulk fermentation will end when the dough has nearly doubled in volume and you can see bubbles throughout the dough and on the surface. (Note: Do not use your oven with the light on for the bulk fermentation — it is too warm for the dough. To determine when the bulk fermentation is done, it is best to rely on visual cues (doubling in volume) as opposed to time. A straight-sided vessel makes monitoring the bulk fermentation especially easy because it allows you to see when your dough has truly doubled.)
- Shape: Gently transfer the dough to clean work surface. I prefer to use no flour and a bench scraper at this step, but if you find an un-floured work surface to be difficult, feel free to lightly flour it. [Video guidance is especially helpful for this step.] Fold the dough, envelope style: top third over to the center; bottom third up and over to the center. Then repeat from right to left. Turn the dough over and use your bench scraper to push the dough up, then back towards you to create a tight ball. Repeat this pushing and pulling till you feel you have some tension in your ball. Place the dough ball top side down and let rest 30 to 40 minutes. (FYI: This is called the bench rest.)
- Proof. Line a shallow 2-qt bowl (or something similar) with a tea towel or flour sack towel. Flour sack towels are amazing because the dough doesn’t stick to them, and therefore you need very little rice flour, but if you only have a tea towel, you will be fine. If you are using a tea towel, sprinkle it generously with rice flour. If you are using a flour sack towel, you can use a lighter hand with the rice flour. After the 30-to 40-minute bench rest, repeat the envelope-style folding and the bench scraper pushing and pulling till you have a tight ball. [Video guidance here.] Place the ball top side down in your prepared towel-lined bowl. Cover bowl with overhanging towel. Transfer bowl to the fridge for 12 to 24 hours. (Note: When you remove your dough from the fridge, visually it will likely look unchanged. This is OK. You do not need to let it then proof at room temperature before baking.)
- Bake. Heat oven to 500ºF. Remove your sourdough from the fridge. Open the towel. Place a sheet of parchment over the bowl. Place a plate over the parchment. With a hand firmly on the plate and one on the bowl, turn the dough out onto the parchment-paper lined plate. [Video guidance here.] Carefully remove the bowl and towel. Carefully remove the plate. Brush off any excess rice flour. Use a razor blade to score the dough as you wish. I always do a simple X. Grab the ends of the parchment paper and transfer to the Dutch oven. [Video guidance here.] Cover it. Lower oven temperature to 450ºF, bake covered for 30 minutes. Uncover. Lower temperature to 400ºF. Bake for 10 minutes more or until the loaf has darkened to your liking. Transfer loaf to a cooling rack.
- Cool. Let loaf cool for at least 30 minutes before cutting.
- Prep Time: 48 hours
- Cook Time: 45 minutes
- Category: Bread
- Method: Sourdough
- Cuisine: Global
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1,037 Comments on “Easy Sourdough Bread (Whole Wheat-ish)”
I love both your homemade sourdough recipe and this recipe. However, my homemade sourdough tends to burn at the bottom. I put three sheet pans on the oven rack below my Dutch Oven and baked the loaf on the rack without the DO for the last 10 minutes – still browning more than I’d like.
I was wondering if there is a reason why the oven temperature is lower for this recipe? Could I try this oven temp with the original sourdough recipe?
I think you could — you definitely want the DO to be sufficiently heated to encourage that oven spring, but I suspect if you lowered it to 400ºF, it might be totally fine, especially if you preheat the DO long enough. Give it a shot!
Hello Kelsey,
I had the same issues in my oven baking in my Dutch Oven. I tried everything suggested, but it still had a very dark and hard-to-cut-through bottom crust. I saw a comment in a YT video about using a silicone trivet during the baking of sourdough bread. Problem solved! Put it down first in your DO before lowering the dough using parchment paper. Hope that helps you too.
Be very careful with silicone trivets in very hot Dutch Ovens – I had one melt. Now I make sure they are able to withstand 600F.
Made it as directed. Starter obtained from local bread shop would not double after three tries but rose some and spoonful floated.
Used prior suggestion of preheating oven at 400 for a minute and turning it off for ideal environment. Had doubled dough in 3 hours.
On my first crack at sourdough, this recipe came through. The starter came from the local bread shop and was tentative in its development after feeding it three times. It expanded but never doubled but it finally bubbled nicely and floated, so I moved on with the process. I used Bread flour and spelt flour (just cause I had it). For the rise I remembered your tip of preheating an oven for one minute and turning it off, and the dough doubled in the oven in about 3 hours. I left it in the fridge for 36 hours, followed all the instructions to the letter even buying a cast iron pot like yours and it’s beautiful.
Great to read all of this, Matthew. Thanks for writing and sharing all of your notes — so helpful for others 🙂
EXCEPT, when using your tip on making your oven the perfect place to let dough rise, when you turn your oven on to preheat to 400 for one minute REMEMBER TO TURN IT OFF after you put the dough in, or you will return from your one hour bike ride to find a sour dough brick in you oven. 🙁
hi there , i am completely new to sourdough . i plan on using this recipe for my first loaf . i have everything needed except stone milled whole wheat . i have king arthur’s whole wheat flour. would that change anything ? i plan on starting tomorrow. i am excited and nervous at the same time lol i am following this to a t so hopefully it works out for me .
You can definitely use the KAF whole wheat flour in place of the stone-milled flour. Good luck!
My bread dough was impossible to fold like an envelop and then to let it rest on the counter it was coming out like a blob. Very sticky! What did I do wrong? I live in Southern California so I am not sure if my climate is messing this up. I’ve been struggling to make sourdough successfully. Please help!
Hi! Are you using a scale to measure? It sounds as though your dough has over-fermented. This troubleshooting guide might help: Why is my sourdough so sticky? 4 Common Sourdough Mistakes + Answers to FAQ’s
Hi. Made my first loaf of sourdough yesterday before finding your site. When I went to transfer the risen loaf to parchment paper for baking, it deflated from handling and being tipped over unto the parchment. Since the Dutch oven was already hot, I couldn’t let it rise in the pan to recover,. But it came out tasting yummy.
Hi! Bummer to hear. Were you transferring it straight from the fridge? Or did you let it come to room temperature first?
Hi. It has been rising on the counter all day. it was one long day of making sourdough bread! 😊
OK! I think that is your issue — I take this one straight from the fridge (no room temp rise after it’s been in the fridge) and transfer it to my Dutch oven. Did you have it in the fridge for a day or two?
Love love love this recipe! I’m new to sourdough and this is so easy to follow and makes an amazing loaf every time!
Great to hear! Thanks for writing 🙂
I started making this during the winter using your technique of pre-heating the oven for a minute to create a nice warm spot for rising. Things went along just fine and the recipe was manageable to handle. But in the last month or so, the dough has become unreasonably sticky and impossible to shape even after adding more dusting flour in that process. I haven’t changed anything as far as ingredients or water, following the instructions to a T. I wonder if the warmer kitchen from the weather (though it is not that much warmer) may be playing tricks with the process?
Hi and yes, I think so: I’d skip the warm oven trick now — it’s possibly overfermenting your dough. Also note that as the seasons change, flours and humidity change, so the flour you are using may be absorbing water differently. It’s possible you may need to use less water, but I would start by changing one variable: see how it works doing the bulk fermentation on your countertop; then adjust next time around if the dough is still too sticky.
It’s taken me over 40 years to find a great recipe. And this recipe is great
It’s taken me over 40 years to find a great recipe. And this recipe is great
Great to hear! Thanks for writing 🙂
This recipe is great. I live in Colorado so I wasn’t sure how it would turn out the first time around. I made 2x the recipe for a large loaf. I also used 50% whole wheat flour (red) and 50% artisan white flour. I added 20 g of salt after the first 30 minutes instead of right away, and then let dough rest for another 30 mins. I also used my bread machine for the first mixing cycle to make my life easier. I folded by hand tho. My dough rose very quickly (1 hr and 20 minutes to increase in volume by 50%). It’s Colorado, also it’s summer and hot. So it was very helpful to know that I’m looking for a 50% increase in volume vs specific time. I left the dough in the fridge for 20 hours overnight until the next day. I followed the baking instructions except for I heater the oven to 500 degrees with my Dutch oven in it, then decreased to 450 to bake for 30 minutes (I added a splash of hot water under the parchment paper) and then uncovered for 10 minutes. I let it cool off a bit before cutting. It turned out amazing! Delicious, not overly salty, chewy and sour but not too much. I’ve made other breads before but this was my first time working with sourdough, and I couldn’t be happier with the result! Thank you so much for this recipe!
Oh wonderful! Great to read all of this Tetiana. Thanks so much for writing and sharing your notes — so helpful for those baking at elevation.
I am new to baking and I have tried to make your recipe on several occasions. I always have trouble when I am trying to shape the dough. It is always too sticky and won’t hold its shape. I purchased the same container you use and maybe I am letting the dough rise too far.
Hi! It’s possible you are letting the dough rise too long or that you are using too much water. You can hold back some water from the start as an experiment.
Are you using a scale to measure?
What type of flour are you using?
Do you live in a humid environment?
I use a scale. 500 grams King Arthur bread flour. Southern California.
OK! Well it sounds as though you are doing everything right re scale, bread flour, etc. I would try holding back 50 grams of water from the start next time and see if that helps. Do keep an eye on the bulk fermentation: use a straight-sided vessel if you are not already to accurately monitor the growth of the dough during the bulk fermentation.
Love this recipe! Could I proof it for 48 hrs in the fridge once shaped?
I have left it 48 hours many times and it turns out beautifully!
Nevermind, just saw you already answered this for someone else! We’ll see how the flavor develops! Thanks for all your amazing recipes!
Hi this is my go to recipe for sour dough bread. I really like it. Usually it turns out really well. I followed the recipe. However, this time, there is a slight doughy section at the bottom of the bread. Any suggestions as to why? Thanks
Hi! Great to hear 🙂
Do you use a scale to measure? Is it humid where you are? What type of flour are you using?
Hi, Thanks for the quick turnaround! I weigh everything. I use a very accurate scale. and it is a white bread flour, which I have used before. It has been very humid and rainy the last few days. As well, I wonder if I left it in to long for the bulk fermentation (doubled the height) Thanks!
It’s possible the humidity is affecting the bake — you could try holding back 50 grams of water until the weather turns. I wouldn’t worry about the bulk fermentation if your dough had strength and elasticity when you shaped it, but if it felt slack/weaker when you shaped it, then it’s possible you pushed it too long.
Thanks for your suggestion, I will try a bit less water if it notice it is really humid. The elasticity and strength of the dough was actually very good which suggests it was not not the bulk fermentation. Thanks again!
Excellent, easy recipe. My compliments to the chef.
Great to hear, Richard! Thanks for writing 🙂
I love this recipe, and the bread comes out really well
If I wanted to bake this bread according to your recipe in a loaf pan, would I be able to go directly from the fridge to the loaf pan after the proof stage, or would you recommend letting it rise at room temperature until it reaches the rim of the pan, like you do with your sandwich bread, (which I like as well!) Your help appreciated.
Hi! Great to hear 🙂 I would recommend letting it rise at room temperature until it reaches the rim of the pan. You can definitely transfer it directly from the fridge to the loaf pan; you can also place the dough in the loaf pan after the bulk fermentation and store it in the fridge in the pan (tucked in a large ziplock bag or sealed with plastic wrap).
I’ve made this recipe a few times now and it is my go to for sourdough bread. I add a touch more wholemeal but that’s just due to preference.
I just bought a bigger banneton so I can make larger loaves. Can I double this recipe and if I do, how long do I bake for?
Great to hear, Kirsty! Thanks so much for writing. And to clarify: you’re making a double recipe but forming one large loaf as opposed to two regular-sized loaved? If that is the case, I think you could add 5 minutes to the cook time at each phase (covered and uncovered). You may need to add more than 5 minutes to the uncovered phase, but just rely on visual cues when determining its doneness.
This recipe turned out lovely! I was wondering if you could give me measurements for a slightly bigger loaf? Perhaps a 500g or a 600g loaf. I reduced the water 20h because I used AP flour instead of bread flour. I would just like a bigger loaf, I am not an expert on adjusting measurements yet!
Thank you, kindly appreciated 🙂
Hi! You could try this:
500 g flour
12 g kosher salt or sea salt, see notes above
375 g water
100 g active sourdough starter
No need to increase the amount of starter. Good luck!
Usually I like your stuff but this didn’t come out nearly brown enough. Might be my oven. any suggested changes? I usually do 450f 25m lid on 25m lid off.
Yeah, definitely rely on the visual cues: it’s possible your oven is cooler than mine or that your Dutch oven wasn’t preheated sufficiently.
What kind of flour are you using?
Bread flour. Wait… I’m sorry I just realized the problem. I multiplied the recipe by 1.2 but didn’t change the cooking time. My bad… anyway I put it in for 30 mins on 20 mins off at 450 and it came out nicely. I might do it a bit longer lid on next time.
No worries! I hope it browns better for you next time around.
I’m trying your wheatish sourdough recipe for the first time and only the second recipe of sourdough, so I’m very much a newbe. My question is, can I bake in the oven thats not preheated and not a preheated dutch oven with the same results as a very hot oven along with the very hot Dutch oven?
Thank you for sharing your recipes! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
I’ve totally enjoyed the pizza & bialy’s very much along with others…
Hi Robin! Great to hear 🙂
You need some sort of vessel to create steam for the initial portion of the baking. Do you have a pizza stone or Baking steel? If not, you can preheat an old sheet pan. And you can use a turned over aluminum bowl or turned over disposable lasagna pan to cover the loaf during the first 15 minutes of baking.
Made this in my bread tin, just in the oven on a pizza stone and worked out perfectly!! The second bulk ferment after overnight refrigeration worked a treat.
I’ll be cooking this again as white bread is a fave of my hubby also.
Thank you for a new reliable recipe with perfect crust and light, open crumb.
Great to hear, Deb! Thanks so much for writing and sharing your notes. So glad the tin worked well 🙂
Have you made any videos where you use the 50g or whole grain flour? I’m wondering if the dough acts or looks any different during the process? Is adding the 50g of whole grain flour still your preference? Thank you!
I don’t have any videos! Dough looks the same if maybe slightly wetter. Yes, still my preference to use 50 grams freshly milled flour 🙂
I’ve tried my hand at a couple sourdough recipes. They’ve been okay. One was a quick sourdough from Masterclass. I loved that recipe. It helped me develop a feel for bread. But it wasn’t a true sourdough. The next recipe was a true sourdough from a cookbook of a prominent blogger. Uff duh. I had to play around with the liquid amount quite a bit to not have a bowl of almost soupy dough that would not form into a ball. All this to say, I just made your recipe for the first time. It formed a ball that didn’t flatten out. It felt…. good. It felt happy during the process. And it was stellar compared to the first loaves on those other two recipes. Thank you for this recipe. A recipe that I will only have to tweak according to my environment.
Great to read all of this, Marcy! Thanks for writing and sharing your experience. A little bit of tweaking is so important with sourdough given that humidity and flour are constantly changing. Wishing you continued success!
I am a beginner sourdough baker and have tried several of your recipes. You gave me the confidence that I needed. Your recipes are absolutely outstanding. The information you provide is extremely helpful and your videos showing the proper techniques just put everything over the top. Your book is amazing as well. Thank you very much for all your hard work and dedication. My family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Rich, thank you so much for your kind words! This all means so much. Happy baking to you, and all my best to you and your family 🙂
I have this recipe cold proofing in the fridge now, since last night. I just realized I read the directions wrong. After the bench rest, I did not do the envelope fold again and reshape, I just put it in the proofing bowls. What should I do?
Should i shape it and let it cold-proof again or just bake it?
It will be fine! Just bake it 🙂
I was wondering if I can use spelt flour for the 50 grams whole grain. Would I have to adjust the amount of water?
Yes! No adjustments needed.